29 August 2021

Sunday Post. Another Comeback

Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews.

Long time, no see, right? πŸ˜… This year just hasn't been my blogging year. From a reading slump to feeling less than inspired to share my bookish thoughts, 2021 was when I took a long hiatus without meaning to -- there were several attempts of to come back. Still, sadly, blogging was not a priority between a PhD thesis and job hunting (the latter took most of my time). Without any further delay, let me share with you what I've been up since whenever was the last time I joined this meme.

What has been happening in my life:

🌻 As of September, I'm finally starting a new job -- it's only temporary, and I will share more details about it with you soon (that if I don't vanish again).   
🌻 In other news, I may have finally received a fellowship/research studentship. I'm waiting for the finals results to be released, but if nothing changes, after so many failures, I got one. 😭
🌻 I've been attending conferences and sharing my research on young adult fiction. I've actually published a paper on pandemics and young adult dystopias. You can find it here.
🌻 After a prolonged reading slump so far, I've read 14 books this month.
🌻 I'm having some issues with Blogger. I'm trying to figure out if it was once again updated or if it's my browser. Or maybe I no longer know how to work with it. πŸ˜…

What's the first thing a book blogger does when they suddenly feel it is the perfect time to start blogging again? Yes, visit NetGalley and request new e-arcs. So far, most of my requests were denied -- no surprise, since I was away for so long. However, I need to point out that one of my requests was dismissed because it seems I now live in the USA. Does whoever is responsible takes the time to read our info correctly? Among all the denials, my request for Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia was accepted, and I could not be more excited since I adored Mexican Gothic.

How have you been? Are you enjoying a lovely summer? Any new favourite book(s)?

If you like my blog and would like to support it, you may use my Book Depository affiliate link, my Scribd referral, or buy me a coffee.
You may also buy some bookish items from my RedBubble store.


  1. Yea! Welcome back! And congrats on finding a job and the research studentship. Good for you!

    I think your paper on pandemics and YA dystopia can be very interesting indeed. I've made a note and will stop by again.

    Oh don't get me started on blogger! YES!!! There was a huge update a month or so back. It threw my whole blog and all the graphics in shambles. I couldn't retrieve my main header and my post headers were all wrong. I had to redo just about everything. I am thinking of getting my own domain and get someone to help me a bit with graphics, but time is a bit constraint. Eventually..

    Have a good week and I hope we see you more often!

    Elza Reads

  2. Hi Tania and welcome back to blogging. 14 books this month is a great total! It's understandable that blogging has taken a back seat - you've had a lot going on. Congrats on the new job and I hope you succeed in getting a fellowship/research studentship. My fingers and toes are all crossed for you.

    I'm a self-hosted WP blog so I can't help with the Blogger issues, however, I do know there have been some major updates and changes to the platform.

  3. Welcome back! I am glad you had some good news to share. Congratulations on the fellowship. Excellent news! And I hope everything works out with the job.

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  5. This hasn't been my blogging year either! I'm finally getting back into the groove of reading, reviewing, and commenting, but it's taken me several months to get here. I'm not really sure what happened, honestly. I'm going to read Certain Dark Things soon! Love the author and hope this one is as good as the others I've read. :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? πŸ’¬

  6. I am coming out of a blogging and reading slump (I hope). Hopefully. Sounds like you have been very busy. I hope that fellowship/research studentship goes through. It sounds like it would be a good opportunity. I hope you enjoy Certain Dark Things. I really liked Mexican Gothic too. Have a great week!
