1 February 2021

Reading & Blogging Challenges. Planning an Epic Year

I know, I know: I am late! I should have begun organizing a new reading and blogging year before 2020 ended. The thing is, I was too scared to look at what I pledge last year because I am aware that I failed miserably at everything. Well, maybe I do not need to be that harsh on myself. I mean, these challenges did help me tackle down my ever-growing TBR pile -- even if I did not meet all of my goals. Anyway, I am once again really excited about the challenges I am joining, and I hope to do a lot better this year. 😊
BEAT THE BACKLIST hosted by @ Novel Knight 
It is the fourth year in a row that I am signing up to join Beat The Backlist. As always, this is one of my favourite reading challenges because it helps me read books that have been on my TBR pile for ages. In 2020, I surpassed my initial goal (twenty books), so in 2021 I am hoping to read thirty backlist titles. This year there will be no team challenge -- which might be a good thing since I always forget to update my stats halfway-through the challenge. However, I might join the bingo cards.
These are some titles I picked to read in 2021 (I am keeping some titles from last year that I was not able to read):

πŸ“š Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron;
πŸ“š Creatures of Will & Temper by Molly Tanzer;
πŸ“š Legendborn by Tracy Deonn;
πŸ“š Lifestyles of Gods and Monsters by Emily Roberson;
πŸ“š Partials by Dan Wells;
πŸ“š Orleans by Sherry L. Smith;
πŸ“š Sherwood by Meagan Spooner;
πŸ“š The Defiant Heir by Melissa Caruso;
πŸ“š The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab;
πŸ“š The Jewel by Amy Ewing;
πŸ“š The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James; 
πŸ“š The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater; 
πŸ“š The Twisted Tree by Rachel Burg.

DYSTOPIA READING CHALLENGE hosted by Brittani @Game, Read, Teach

In 2020, I think I read six to seven dystopias. "checks on Goodreads how many dystopias she read* πŸ™ˆ Yep, and they were all reviewed over there. Since 2021 will be another year of dystopias for me, I am officially joining this challenge again. For the third year in a row, I am aiming for the Rebel badge, in which I have to read and review 6 to 10 dystopian books.

I saw these challenges on Sam @We Live and Breathe Words and I immediately knew I had to join them -- especially since I was already reading Winter by Marissa Meyer, being "Winter" one of the keywords and "Once upon a time" January's motif.

2021 DISCUSSION CHALLENGE hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight

By the fourth year in a row (I think), I pledge to myself to share more discussion posts. 😊

This Discussion Challenge always helps me write and share discussion posts about books and everything book-ish. Although, last year, I did not share as many discussion posts as I was expecting to -- writing research essays does take a lot of my free time. πŸ˜…
If you are interested in joining, this challenge is all about promoting discussions about whatever you want as long as it is related to books and/or book blogging. There are five levels, and I am once again hoping to reach the first one, Discussion Dabbler
You can use the hashtag #LetsDiscuss2021 to share your progress and connect with other participants on Twitter (this is a great form to give some visibility to discussion posts and find some new interesting articles).

Which challenges will you be joining in 2021?

If you like my blog and would like to support it, you may use my Book Depository or Amazon affiliate link, use my Scribd referral, or buy me a coffee. You may also buy some bookish items from my RedBubble store.


  1. Yeah! Glad you are joining the keyword and monthly motif challenges. They are not a huge commitment (1 prompt a month), but I have fun trying to find something to fit. Good luck with all your challenges.

  2. I love this! I'm just coming back to blogging and am actually looking to join some challenges (so I'll be late too lol) You can do it! And thank you for this list :)
