25 October 2020

Sunday Post. Bustling Octobers

Sunday Post is a meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviews.

Hello, fellow bookworms! How are you doing? Can you believe spooky August is almost over?! πŸ‘» I know it has been a long time since I've joined Sunday Post -- I've actually been keeping myself very busy, so there's a lot to share. Without any further delay, let me share with you what I've been up since my monthly recap.

What has been happening in my life:

🌻 Remember the other fellowship I told you I applied to? I also didn't get it. 😞 It will be hard to keep following this path. If you know of anyone who is looking for these services, please, let me know.
🌻 Sadly, I haven't felt like reading, which means I will not be reading 70 books this year.
🌻 I'm currently watching The Haunt of Bly Manor. It's starting to get confusing.
🌻 I attended two online conferences (I did not present my own research) -- one about dystopias and another one about Digital Humanities and Children's Fiction. I now want to start a thousand new projects. πŸ˜‹ Also, due to the last conference, I'm now a voluntary translator of children's books.
🌻 The post I want to share on my 10th blog-anniversary is so behind schedule! πŸ™ˆ

Around the Blogosphere is once again back! πŸ˜„ Here are some discussion posts that called my attention, even though I've yet to comment.
Since I received a 10% discount voucher from Book Depository, I decided to get myself some new physical books. I ordered three books -- one of them has yet to be published. Thus, The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Attwood and Scarlet by Marissa Meyer arrived this week at my home.

Are you having a spooky October? Did you receive any new books this week?

If you like my blog and would like to support it, you may use my Book Depository affiliate link, my Scribd referral, or buy me a coffee.
You may also buy some bookish items from my RedBubble store.


  1. I'm so sorry for the fellowship... I read The handmaid's tale and absolutely loved it, the story, the writing and all, I hope you'll love it too. Have a great week and stay safe :)

  2. Sorry about the fellowship, but it's great that the online conferences inspired you and that you're translating. I hope you enjoy your new books!

  3. I have to get to watching The Haunt of Bly Manor, but since I heard it was too cliched and too many jump scares I have been putting it off. How is it for you? The handmaid's tale is definitely one of the top favorites ever for me.

  4. I’m sorry about the fellowship. The conference’s sound good and inspiring.

    Enjoy your new books.

  5. My week hasn't been too spooky...I hope it stays that way. :)

    ENJOY your books and this week.

    Sorry about the fellowship.

  6. Sorry about the disappointing fellowship response. Keep trying.
    Glad you enjoyed the conferences.
    I've been reading "spooky" - horror/monsters/ghosts - for October.
    Enjoy your new books!
